February 28, Februar to 2, March 2025

Aschaffenburg Bayern (30 min. to Frankfurt) – Germany

Welcome MILONGUER@s!

It’s the time to hug each other again and again during 3 days of Milonga. It will be a weekend with beautiful milongas (+ Peña Milonguera), in a wonderful place with friends, excellent dancers and the best international DJs.
The best “Tandas”, the balance of roles, and friendly hugs between us!


Tickets at the Doors: (Only)

Special Milonga Sunday Afternoon with TDJ Duddie David Mancini | München – Germany.

We have to say good bye to our three days of dancing. Let us embrace and enjoy the last tandas together.

Sunday 2.March.2025 | 15:00 to 19:00 | Eintritt: 15€

 Join the group and get all the updates
For help, contact reception: frankfurtmw@gmail.com
TDJ Enrique Ringa | Barcelona (Spain) - Argentina
TDJ Jens Ingo Brodesser ( Zingo) | Brussels (Belgium)
TDJ Duddie David Mancini | München - Germany
TDJ Antonio Flaviani “Malandrino” Turín (Italy) - Argentina
Live Musik by Julio Gordillo | Frankfurt (Germany) - Argentina
TDJ Leo Mosqueda | Aschaffenburg (Germany) - Argentina

Friday / Freitag / Viernes 28.2.2025

20:00 to 21:00 Hs. Check-In  - Surprises and Friends to start this Milonguero Weekend 2024:)
and Welcome and Drink. 

21:00 to 01:00 Hs. Yes, it's the time to start! Hugs and beautiful Milongueros moments ♥ Milonga Friday Night with TDJ Enrique Ringa | Barcelona (Spain) - Argentina

Adresse: Schwarz-Gold

Lange Straße 7 63741| Aschaffenburg 

Saturday / Samstag / Sabado 1.3.2025

14:00 Hs. Meeting Milonguero (Argentine snacks and menus available to purchase at the bar)

14:00 to 18:00 Hs. 
Milonga Saturday Afternoon withTDJ Antonio Flaviani “Malandrino” Turín (Italy) - Argentina

Adresse: Schwarz-Gold
Lange Straße 7 63741| Aschaffenburg

19:00 to 21:00 Hs. Pausa/Free. 

21:00 to 01:00 Hs. Milonga Saturday Night with TDJ Jens Ingo Brodesser (Zingo) | Brussels (Belgium)

Adresse: Schwarz-Gold
Lange Straße 7 63741| Aschaffenburg

01:00 to 02:00 Hs. After Party with TDJ Leonardo Mosqueda | Aschaffenburg (Germany)

Adresse: Schwarz-Gold
Lange Straße 7 63741| Aschaffenburg

Sunday / Sonntag / Domingo 2.3.2025

14:00 to 15:00 Hs. Chacarera Time “Peña Milonguera” LIVE MUSIC.

Adresse: Schwarz-Gold
Lange Straße 7 63741| Aschaffenburg

15:00 to 19:00 Hs. Farewell Milonga
We have to say good bye to our three days of dancing.

Let us embrace and enjoy the last tandas together. Special Milonga Sunday Afternoon with TDJ Duddie David Mancini | München - Germany 

Adresse: Schwarz-Gold
Lange Straße 7 63741| Aschaffenburg

Tickets at the Doors: (Only)
Eintritt: 15€


You can ONLY participate if you register.
No tickets at the door! (Keine Abendkasse!)
Registration Open!

Tickets at the Doors: FAREWELL MILONGA
Special Milonga Sunday Afternoon with TDJ Duddie David Mancini | München - Germany.
We have to say good bye to our three days of dancing. Let us embrace and enjoy the last tandas together.
Sunday 2.March.2025 | 15:00 to 19:00 | Eintritt: 15€


All Milongas and Peña Milonguera
65 ab 1.October.2024 bis 15.10.2024
70€ ab 16.10.2024
75€ ab 30.10.2024
80€ ab 1.11.2024 Pro Person
  • + Milonga Friday Night
  • + Milonga Saturday Afternoon
  • + Milonga Saturday Nigh
  • + After Party Saturday
  • + “Peña Milonguera” LIVE MUSIC
  • + Chacarera Workshop
  • + Farewell Milonga: 
Enjoy the last tandas together. Special Milonga Sunday Afternoon.



Adresse: Schwarz-Gold
Lange Straße 7 63741| Aschaffenburg 

Just one street from the Central Train/Bus Station. And just 30 minutes from the City of Frankfurt am Main.
How to get?
Two airports: Frankfurt Main/ Frankfurt Hahn with direct connections to major cities.


Although Aschaffenburg it belongs to the state of Bavaria, it is part of the Frankfurt Rhine-Main metropolitan region.
It is the perfect location in the center of Germany and Europe.
With excellent connections to all over the world, it is a perfect location to organize your trip in February.

Hotel Optionen:

Questions ?

If you have any questions, we are at your disposal and leave useful links about the event here.
Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung und hinterlassen hier nützliche Links zur Veranstaltung.

Write us!